Publications & downloads
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EST-Frame flyer.
The EST-Frame project has produced a final outcome: TranSTEP (TranS-domain Technology Evaluation Process) accessible on
TranSTEP is explained in the document "TranSTEP in a nutshell" - or you can download our TranSTEP elevator pitch
Scientific articles
A special section is published in Science and Public Policy on results from EST-Frame:
- Thomas Reiss and Kate Millar. Introduction to special section: Assessment of emerging science and technology: Integration opportunities and challenges. Science and Public Policy 2014 41: 269-271; doi:
- Davy van Doren and Nils B. Heyen. Synthetic biology: Too early for assessments? A review of synthetic biology assessments in Germany. Science and Public Policy 2014 41: 272-282; doi:
- Philip Boucher, Robert Smith, and Kate Millar. Biofuels under the spotlight: The state of assessment and potential for integration. Science and Public Policy 2014 41: 283-293; doi: 10.1093/scipol/scu028
- Erik de Bakker, Carolien de Lauwere, Anne-Charlotte Hoes, and Volkert Beekman. Responsible research and innovation in miniature: Information asymmetries hindering a more inclusive 'nanofood' development. Science and Public Policy 2014 41: 294-305; doi: 10.1093/scipol/scu033
- Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Erik Thorstensen, Rasmus Øjvind Nielsen, and Erik de Bakker. Assessments of emerging science and technologies: Mapping the landscape. Science and Public Policy 2014 41: 306-316.; doi: 10.1093/scipol/scu025
- Davy van Doren, Ellen-Marie Forsberg, and Ralf Lindner. Are assessments responding to a dynamic environment? Evidence from four emerging techno-scientific domains.
Science and Public Policy 2014 41: 317-331. doi: 10.1093/scipol/scu032
Other articles
Ellen-Marie Forsberg, Quaglio, G., O'Kane, H., Karapiperis, T., van Woensel, L. and Arnaldi, S. 2015. Assessment of science and technologies: Advising for and with responsibility. Technology in Society. 42; 21-27:,3f~ry1ZW
Ellen-Marie Forsberg and Carolien de Lauwere. 2013. 'Integration needs in assessments of nanotechnology in food and agriculture' In Etikk i Praksis. Nordic Journal of Applied Ethics, vol. 7, no. 1, pp. 38-54:
Volkert Beekman and Dagevos, H. 2013. The knowledge society as pleonasm: towards mobilisation of social intelligence in the agricultural and food domain. In: H. Röcklinsberg and P. Sandin (eds.) The ethics of consumption: The Citizen, the market and the law, Wageningen Academic Publishers, 353-357; doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-784-4_56
Ellen-Marie Forsberg. 2012. 'Integrated assessments of emerging food technologies - some options and challenges' In Potthast, T. and Meisch, S.
Climate change and sustainable development. Ethical perspectives on land use and food production.
Wageningen Academic Publishers.; doi: 10.3920/978-90-8686-753-0_41
Public deliverables
Final report
EST-Frame deliverable 1.2 The current and future context for EST analysis.
EST-Frame deliverable 1.3 Criteria for an integrated analytical framework.
EST-Frame deliverable 6.6 An integrated framework for assessing societal impacts of emerging science and technologies. Website:
EST-Frame deliverable 6.7 An integrated framework for assessing societal impacts of emerging science and technologies.
Conference/seminar panels and presentations
- Erik de Bakker and Ellen-Marie Forsberg were part of a workshop on integrated assessment at the Snet 2012 conference, Enschede, 22-25 October 2012.
- Erik de Bakker, Volkert Beekman, Anne-Charlotte Hoes and Carolien de Lauwere gave a paper presentation on the topic Nanotechnology in food: public concerns, narratives and assessment needsat the Snet 2012 conference.
- Ellen-Marie Forsberg presented EST-Frame results at a workshop on 'Changes in ethical, social and environmental assessments of science and technologies' at the Nordic STS conference, organised by our 'sister project' EPINET, Trondheim, 24 April 2013:
- EST-Frame had a workshop at the PACITA conference on Technology Assessment, March 15th 2013, 09.45, Prague: Integrated assessment of emerging science and technologies. The workshop consisted of a presentation of results from the EST-Frame case studies, as well as a presentation of our preliminary approach to integrated assessment. The workshop was chaired by Professor Frans Brom from the Rathenau Institute. From EST-Frame participated Philip Boucher, Anne-Charlotte Hoes, Nils Heyen, Rasmus Øjvind Nielsen and Ellen-Marie Forsberg. See description: proposal_workshop_pacita_conference_est_frame.docx.See also
- Volkert Beekman presented a paper (co-authored with H Dagevos), The knowledge society as pleonasm: towards mobilisation of social intelligence in the agricultural and food domain, at the 2013 Conference of the European Society for Agricultural and Food Ethics (EurSAFE), Uppsala, September 2013
- Ellen-Marie Forsberg gave the presentation 'The potential for an integrated assessment framework for new technologies' at Europäische Akademie, Summer school 'Analysing the Societal Dimensions of Synthetic Biology', Berlin 19.09.14
- Ellen-Marie Forsberg gave the presentation 'Responsible Research and Innovation and assessment of emerging science and technologies' at the EU Spri 2014 Conference, Manchester, 20.06.14
- Erik de Bakker presented a paper (co-authored with Ellen-Marie Forsberg), 'Responsible Innovation & Innovation Ethics: Advisory Domains and Circles of Legitimacy', at the European Business Ethics Network (EBEN) Annual Conference, June 12th-14th 2014 in Berlin.